Dharani Portal: Telangana Land Records 2023 | Check Land Records & Download

Telangana Land Records: The Telangana government introduced the Dharani Portal Telangana in October 2020 to make registering their property simpler for its citizens. The COVID-19 epidemic rendered it hard to register property after the shutdown. As a result, the state administration has attempted to transfer the whole procedure online. 

The website’s principal function is registering who owns a piece of land. Still, it provides access to other land-related services, such as altering land ownership and checking property records. At the time, the land records site could only assist with agricultural land. Dharani, a non-agricultural property and land services website, will be online shortly.

    How Can I Check My Land Records In Telangana?

  • Visit the “Land Details Search” section of the Dharani website (https://dharani.telangana.gov.in/). It contains useful information.
  • When you click on this link, you will be taken to a new section of the land records portal. In this new section, you will be able to search for land by either using the survey number or the passbook number.
  • Input the required information, such as the District, Mandal, and village, among other things. Select the khata and survey numbers from the drop-down menus to get started. To retrieve, click the “Fetch” button. The information will be presented to you on the screen in question.

Important Links

Check Land RecordCLICK HERE
Check StatusCLICK HERE
Dharani Portal Official WebsiteCLICK HERE

    How Can I Know The Owner Of A Property In Telangana?

  • The official website for the Dharani Portal Telangana can be accessed at https://dharani.telangana.gov.in/. This link will take you to the portal.
  • When you click the “Land Details Search” button, a new page will load with information pertinent to your search.
  • You will need to enter the number that is printed on your Pattadar Passbook as well as the first four digits that are printed on your Aadhar card.
  • You can select the District, the Mandal, and the Village using the respective drop-down menus.
  • To access the Land Records online through the Dharani website, you must enter the correct Captcha code and click the Fetch button.
  • If you were to click on the link, the information would load into a new window or tab on your browser. The names of landowners or pattadars, survey numbers, the sizes of the individual parcels, the types of documents, the passbook numbers, and any other pertinent information are all included. Downloadable copies of the data are also available for your use, providing even more flexibility.

    How Can I Check My Survey Number In Telangana?

  • From the drop-down menu, choose the Survey Number you want to use.
  • On the toolbar, click the “Fetch” button. On a screen, the results will be shown.

    How Can I Check My Patta Passbook In Telangana?

  • Visit the Dharani Portal.
  • You should go to the Agriculture tab at this point.
  • Next, you need to go to the box labeled “Land Details Search” and enter your search criteria there.
  • After you are ready, when prompted, enter your Passbook Number and Aadhar number, and then select the Fetch Step option.
  • In this scenario, you must select the region, the Mandal, the village, and the survey number and then hit the submit button.
  • Click on the relevant EYE symbol below to get your patted passbook and ROR-1B.

    How Do I Check the Land Registry?

  • You can view the Telangana land records online at your convenience.
  • Input details such as the registration year, the document number, the District, the SRO (Sub Registrar Office), the book type, and more.
  • To proceed, you will need to fill out the Captcha.
  • To clear out all of the fields and begin fresh, you need only click the “Submit” or “Reset” button.

    How Can I Check My Property Record Online?

  • Visit the official website of the state of Telangana to learn more about the papers that have been registered in the state.
  • You must provide some data, including the District, the Sub-Registrar Office (SRO), the book type, the registration year, and the document number.
  • Either the information may be modified, or the form can be submitted in its current state.
  • After you have handed in your land records, you will have the opportunity to verify that they are accurate.

If you are interested in searching for survey numbers in the Telangana land records, use the Dharani Portal.

More Updates for Land Record >> https://bhoomionline.in

    How Can I Download Land Documents Online In Telangana?

  • You may visit the Dharani portal’s official website at https://dharani.telangana.gov.in/. Clicking this link will take you to the access point.
  • Your search results will be shown on a new page after you click the “Land Details Search” button.
  • The number found on your Pattadar Passbook and the first four digits of your Aadhar card number will be required.
  • To narrow your search, use the drop-down options to choose a certain District, Mandal, or Village.
  • It is necessary to provide the right Captcha code before clicking the Fetch button to access the Land Records online through the Dharani website.
  • The content will open in a new browser tab or window if you choose to access the link. You’ll find details like the names of landowners or pattadars, survey numbers, the sizes of specific parcels, the sorts of papers, the passbook numbers, and more. Data may be downloaded and used in various ways, giving you additional options.

    What Is RTC Number In Land Records?

What exactly does RTC refer to in its abbreviated form? RTC is an acronym for Record of Rights, Tenancy, and Crops. This document is given to the present landowner in Karnataka. A Pahani is another name for this kind of document. The property’s history, including its current owner and any other pertinent information, is detailed here.

    How Can I Download ROR Copy In Telangana?

  • Visit the website of the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration for any additional details you may require.
  • Follow the link labeled “Know Your Land Status” to obtain information regarding your property’s legitimacy.
  • It is possible to gain access to Pahani and ROR-1B by clicking on those links.
  • A selection box is available where you can choose between District, Division, Mandal, and Village.
  • You can search by either using the Buyer/Seller Name, the Khata/Survey Number, or the Mutation Date.
  • Kindly select the Get Details option.
  • When you find the required information, you can either “Download” it or “Print” it by clicking the corresponding button.

    How Can One Get A Copy Of The Registered Deed In Telangana?

After the allotted amount of time has elapsed, you will be able to obtain a copy of your certified sale deed if you go to the office of the Sub-Registrar in the county where the property is registered. The next thing that must be done is to put an affidavit down on paper and give it a date recognized as official. You must clarify what occurred and affirm that you will maintain your word.

    What Is Land Passbook In Telangana?

A Pattadar passbook is provided to every farmer in the state of Telangana land records so that they can record all of their land transactions and other relevant information. Information such as the landowner’s name and address, the size of the property in acres, the land’s Khata number, land survey number, Aadhar number, caste, and type of land are all included in this record.

    How Can I Get Lost Land Documents In Telangana?

You should go to the local police station and report that your selling deed has gone missing. You should also say that you have lost it. Put an advertisement in the lost and found a section of any newspaper you choose, detailing what it is that you did and providing contact information so that people can get in touch with you. If you have recently misplaced the deed, you should wait between two and four weeks before making any decisions regarding its recovery.

    How Can I Check My Sale Deed Details In Telangana?

  • Please visit this link: https://registration.telangana.gov.in/ to gain access to the [Documents] registration information.
  • Please refer to the District.
  • Select a new option from the drop-down menu to change the Sub-Registrar Office.
  • Enter the Document Number in this space.
  • To move forward, it is sufficient to fill in the Registration Year and then click the “Submit” button.

    How Can I Get a Title Deed Of Property In Telangana?

In accordance with Section 57 of the Registration Act of 1908, you can obtain certified copies and encumbrance certificates from the Registrar or Sub Registrar Offices. Anyone can go to the Registrar or Sub Registrar Office, where they will be charged a nominal fee, and look at the records to verify that their registered documents are in order and that everything is in proper order.

    How Can I Check My Registered Documents Online In Telangana?

  • Visit the Dharani portal. 
  • To complete the survey, you can either register or enter your Pattadar Passbook Number.
  • Choose one of the options and then hit the enter key.
  • It will be necessary to provide certain data, including District, Mandal, Village, etc.
  • When selecting the alternative, you must enter the survey or pattadar passbook number.
  • Provide these details by pressing the enter key.
  • The land records will be mentioned, including information about Telangana registration.

    How Do You Verify Property Documents?

Anyone can go to the Registrar or Sub Registrar Office, where they will be charged a nominal fee, and look at the records to verify that their registered documents are in order and that everything is in proper order.

    How Can I Get an Ownership Certificate Online In Telangana?

  • Visit Telangana meeseva website.
  • Select “Login” from the menu.
  • Choose the “Revenue” tab.
  • By selecting this option, you will be able to get access to the Possession Certificate.
  • Fill in the blanks with the required information.
  • Please scan the necessary documents and send them in using the instructions provided.
  • Select the “Show Payment” option on the menu to enter your payment information.
  • After the verification is complete, both the Certificate Delivery Date and the Acknowledgement Receipt will be generated automatically.
  • The application will be processed, and the applicant will be informed of the status of their submission at the appropriate time.
  • When the application is accepted, the citizen will get a message like “Your Request for Possession Certificate Request has been Accepted Vide Application No: ICXXXXXX Transaction No TAICXXXXXXXX Please collect your Certificate at MeeSeva-XXXXXXX.” This message will be sent to the citizen once the application has been approved.

    How Do I Get A Certified True Copy Of Land?

  • Find the ” Online Services section,” then select the “Certified Copy” option.
  • You will then be taken to a new page where you will see “Certified Copies of Registered Documents.
  • Choosing the first option will redirect you to the Meeseva Online Portal. You will be required to select the SRO, District, year, and document number to obtain information regarding the certified copy.
  • Alternatively, you can get certified copy details by clicking on the link that says “Certified Copy of Document (New Registrations Only),” which will take you to a page where you need to enter your registered mobile number and a security code.


Q1. What is a land registration ID?

A land registration id is a one-of-a-kind number used in various registries such as the Records of Rights (RoRs), crop inspection register, land register, mutation register, tenancy register, disputed case register, and so on.

Q2. How do I download a title deed?

Go to the Telangana government’s official website to examine the registered document information. You’ll need to input information such as your District, SRO, book type, registration year, and document number. Input final information or make changes as required.

Q3. What is a proof of ownership certificate?

This deed is the basic legal document through which legal ownership of the property once has been transferred from the seller to you. To officially register the property, you must prepare an original copy of this document and submit it to the local sub-registrar’s office.

Q4. What is a TCT certificate?

According to the circular, a clear TCT is required for the property to be used for its original purpose. A TCT is a legal document that serves as proof of property ownership.

Q5. What is an original certificate of title?

A legal document issued by a state or local government proving who the rightful owner(s) of real or personal property is. A title certificate is a piece of paper that proves you own something.

Q6. Is TCT a land title?

A TCT is a legal document that demonstrates who owns what property. When the sale, gift, or change of ownership of a piece of property is officially recorded, the Registry of Deeds issues this document. It is critical to keep the TCT clean to get the most money out of a piece of property.

Q7. Can I request a true certified copy online?

Yes, you can fill out an online form.

Q8. Is the land title a public document?

When a real estate transaction is registered, it becomes public knowledge. Please pay attention because this is a public service announcement.

Q9. What documents are needed for the land title?

Deed of Sale This deed is the fundamental legal document that proves the seller has granted you the legal right to own the property.

1) Acceptance that there are no objections, abbreviated as NOC.
2) Putting an end to a sale agreement.
3) Allocation Record
4) Letter of Possession

Q10. What type of document is the land title?

Land title deeds are legal documents that show who owns a plot of land. The person who has the deed receives the title to the land. According to the title deed, the owner has the right to live on, use, and sell the property. Title deeds make unique gifts for any special occasion, including birthdays, graduations, weddings, and anniversaries.

Q11. Which document is the proof of title?

The sale deed or title deed is the main legal document proving that property ownership has been legally changed.

Q12. How do I prove I own my house?

One of the most important legal documents is the sale deed, which includes a list of the property’s previous owners. You must obtain a lease deed if you rent land from the government. Tax documents: this certificate is issued by the appropriate tax agency.

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